Should I upgrade to Gigabit Fibre during lockdown?
Apr 3, 2020

A week into lockdown one in five people remain worried about broadband coverage and quality with so many people at home. If your home broadband is struggling - the good news is you can still upgrade your fibre broadband to a gigabit plan.  

A week into lockdown one in five people remain worried about broadband coverage and quality with so many people at home. And as we live and work at home during lockdown, we are asking more of our home broadband than ever before, and we probably need it more than ever before too!

If your broadband connection has been struggling during lockdown, it may be time to consider upgrading your fibre broadband plan. Especially if you have multiple people in your home working remotely, streaming content or gaming all at the same time.

You can still upgrade your fibre broadband plan during lockdown

In most cases, if you already have fibre broadband set up at your home, switching or upgrading plans can be handled remotely without a visit from a technician. This means you can upgrade your fibre broadband plan during lockdown. Unfortunately if you don’t already have fibre broadband installed in your property, in most cases you will need to wait until lockdown is finished to install broadband. Learn more here

What’s the difference between Fibre100, Fibre200 and Gigabit Fibre plans?

If you’re new to fibre broadband plans, you may be interested to know that all fibre broadband plans are not created equal. Fibre broadband packages often start at either “Fibre 100” or “Fibre 200” packages – which deliver average speeds up to 100mb/s or 200mb/s.

For most people Fibre 100 or Fibre 200 broadband plans will be more than adequate for normal family broadband use - streaming HD or 4k videos, browsing the web, using social media, streaming music and gaming online. If your home fibre broadband is struggling during lockdown, it may be time to consider upgrading to a Gigabit broadband plan.

Gigabit broadband plans offer serious speed – allowing you to download an entire HD digital movie (with an average size of 14GB) in a little under 2 minutes, or download a 4MB song in around 0.03 seconds. If you are working or studying from home, you can send massive chunks of data and files across the internet, faster than you can write the data to a thumb drive or USB stock.

Benefits of Gigabit Broadband Plans

  • Uninterrupted online experience in homes for multiple users: If your home broadband is struggling, you may have noticed that performance suffers when multiple devices are connected at the same time – like smartphones, TVs, gaming, tablets and more. This is less of a concern on Gigabit broadband because the speed and capacity is so much bigger and faster.
  • Download and upload files incredibly quickly: If your work relies on ‘Cloud’ storage systems, Gigabit broadband plans can cut download and upload times significantly to just a few seconds.
  • Stream videos, TV shows and movies in HD online: this is a main change you may notice on a Gigabit broadband connection. You can seamlessly stream high-definition (HD) video content with little to no delays or buffering.
  • Play video games online with Gigabit fibre: If you’re relying on gaming to entertain you during lockdown, a Gigabit broadband plan can deliver a very fast and very stable internet connection with low latency times – the difference between making the shot or being shot.

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