Woman enjoying painting - top 5 tips to keep calm and carry on at any ‘level’
Mar 4, 2021

Finding the life in and out of lockdown stressful? Here’s our top 5 tips to keep calm and carry on at any ‘level’. Reduce social media, get out and about, take up a hobby, reach out to friends and family…

We’ve recently passed the 1-year anniversary of our first COVID-19 case in New Zealand, and in the last 12 months Kiwis have coped with some drastic shifts to our lives. Compared to countries overseas we have been relatively ‘lucky’ in New Zealand, with long stretches of time restriction free. But it’s worth acknowledging that changes to Alert Levels and lockdown restrictions are still stressful. Here are our top 5 tips to keep calm and carry on at any level.

Reduce your time scrolling through social

We all know social media can get under our skin or take a front seat in our thoughts. Try taking a mini digital break by parking your phone somewhere out of the way, even if it’s just for 20 minutes. Make your living zone an area of Zen and calm – go pat the dog, make a hot drink, read a book, or put some music on. Don’t worry about FOMO. The internet forgets nothing and you won’t miss out!

Take a walk even if you can’t be bothered

It’s important to get some fresh air every day. Try starting with small walks and work up to longer ones. Walking isn’t just great for our physical health, but does wonders for how we see ourselves and the world. Challenge your friends to a step comp! 

Take up a hobby

Now is the time to get crafty, order a ‘paint by numbers’ canvas and go for gold. Worst case scenario, grab a rock and paint it!

Reach out to your friends and family via video

Texts and messages just don’t measure up - get some face-to-face contact in the safest way we can right now. Have open conversations, play games and compare your days being stuck at home. Maybe your nearest and dearest have some tips to share.

Try to keep a work-life balance

If you’re working from home, ensure you set space aside so work doesn’t spread into your chill spaces too much. Check out our top tips on how to organize your at home office.